Full and Partial Dentures


Full and Partial Dentures

We understand the impact of missing teeth on your oral health, appearance, and self-confidence. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you regain a complete smile and the ability to enjoy life to the fullest. We offer high-quality full and partial dentures as a reliable and affordable solution for replacing missing teeth.

Full Dentures for a Complete Restoration

Full dentures are designed to replace all teeth in the upper or lower arch, or both. Our full dentures are custom-made from durable and lifelike materials to fit your unique oral anatomy and provide a natural-looking smile.

These removable appliances are carefully designed to restore your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Our team will work closely with you to ensure a comfortable fit, optimal aesthetics, and functionality.

senior male biting an apple

Partial Dentures to Fill in the Gaps

Partial dentures are an excellent option if you are missing several teeth but still have some remaining natural teeth. These removable appliances consist of replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored base.

Partial dentures are custom-made to fit your mouth precisely and are secured in place using clasps or precision attachments that anchor onto your existing teeth. They fill the gaps left by missing teeth and prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting, maintaining your overall dental alignment.

What are the Benefits?

With full and partial dentures from Zsambeky, Chaney, & Associates, you can experience a range of benefits, including:

  • Restored ability to chew and speak properly
  • Improved facial appearance, maintaining a youthful facial structure
  • Enhanced confidence and self-esteem
  • Prevention of shifting and misalignment of remaining teeth
  • Affordable tooth replacement option

Restore Your Smile with Full and Partial Dentures in Concord, NC

We are proud to make affordable prosthetics while using the very best material on the market. Regain your smile, oral function, and confidence with our high-quality full and partial dentures. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

what our patients say

“I love this group of people. From the office staff to the medical staff - they are the best! Kind, gentle and up on the latest in dentistry. I highly recommend Zsambeky Chaney & Associates!”

- Ann F.

“Dentists and staff are always friendly and professional. The dental care I get here is superb. In over twenty years of being a patient, my experiences have always been great!”

- Lisa H.

“The best dental office in Concord, NC. If you plan to move here, choose this office. You won’t be disappointed. Dr. Zsambeky and his staff are the best!”

- Virginia C.

“This team keeps you laughing while they take care of your dental needs, which can sometimes be a dreaded experience. I am greeted by my first name when I enter and I don’t have to wait long in the lobby. The office staff helps me plan more complex visits in conjunction with my insurance and what is doable for me.”

- Derek F.


Your Perfect Dental Partner

Monday - Thursday: 7am-5pm
Friday: Appointment Only
