
Cosmetic Dentistry


We understand the importance of a beautiful smile and the confidence it can bring. Dental veneers are a popular and transformative cosmetic solution that can dramatically enhance the appearance of your teeth. Whether you have chips, stains, misalignment, or unevenness, our experienced team is skilled in designing and placing custom veneers that provide natural-looking results.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a dependable, affordable solution to imperfect smiles. They are thin, tooth-colored porcelain shells that cover your natural teeth. They are long-lasting, natural-looking, and can protect your teeth from further damage. Using veneers, we can help you change the color, shape, length, alignment, and spacing of your teeth.

selective focus of cheerful dentist holding color palette near patient

Are Veneers Right for You?

Veneers are a popular cosmetic solution because they can address multiple issues with one treatment. They can cover the following problems:

What to Expect During Treatment

During a dental veneer treatment, a thin layer of enamel is gently removed from the front surface of the teeth. Impressions or digital scans are taken, and custom veneers are created. Temporary veneers may be placed while the permanent ones are being made. Once ready, the veneers are bonded to the teeth using a special adhesive. They are adjusted for a perfect fit and polished for a natural appearance. The result is a transformed smile with improved shape, color, and alignment, providing long-lasting, beautiful results.

Ready to Improve Your Smile with Veneers in Concord, NC?

Veneers may be the quickest, easiest way to enhance your smile. Often, in just two to three visits to our practice, you can have a brand new, gorgeous smile. Contact Zsambeky, Chaney, & Associates, and together we’ll determine if veneers are the best solution for you.

Frequently Asked Question

How are veneers applied?

The process of applying veneers typically involves three visits to our practice. During the first visit, you'll consult with Dr. Zsambeky to discuss your goals and determine if veneers are the right option for you. In the second visit, your teeth will be prepared for the veneers: a small amount of enamel is removed from the surface of your teeth, and an impression is taken to create your custom veneers. On your final visit, the veneers are bonded to your teeth, completely transforming your smile.

What dental problems can veneers fix?

Veneers are a versatile cosmetic dental treatment that can address a wide range of aesthetic issues. They can effectively conceal discolored teeth, whether due to aging, smoking, or consumption of stain-causing foods and drinks. Veneers are also an excellent solution for chipped or broken teeth, as they can restore the appearance of a damaged tooth seamlessly. Additionally, veneers can help correct the appearance of misaligned or irregularly shaped teeth, creating a more uniform and attractive smile. Finally, for patients with gaps between their teeth, veneers can close these spaces, providing a more cohesive and balanced look.

How long do veneers last?

The longevity of veneers depends on the material used and how well they are maintained. With proper care, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, porcelain veneers can last between 10 to 15 years. This makes them a long-lasting investment in your smile. Composite veneers, while still a durable option, typically have a shorter lifespan of between 5 to 7 years. Factors such as oral hygiene habits, diet, and grinding or clenching of teeth can impact the lifespan of both porcelain and composite veneers.

Are veneers permanent?

Veneers are considered a permanent treatment because the procedure involves irreversible changes to the structure of the teeth. In order to accommodate the veneers, a small amount of tooth enamel must be removed from the front surface of the teeth. This alteration is necessary to ensure that the veneers fit naturally and seamlessly with the rest of the teeth. Once the enamel is removed, the tooth will always require a veneer or another form of restoration to protect it. Therefore, patients should carefully consider their decision to get veneers, as the process cannot be undone.

Is the procedure painful?

The veneer procedure is generally well-tolerated by patients, with minimal discomfort experienced during the treatment. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area being treated, ensuring that the patient does not feel any pain during the preparation of the teeth or the placement of the veneers. After the procedure, some patients may experience mild sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, but this usually subsides within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage any discomfort during this time. Overall, the veneer procedure is considered to be a relatively painless process, with most patients reporting little to no pain during and after the treatment.

How do I care for my veneers?

Caring for your veneers is similar to caring for your natural teeth. It's important to brush at least twice a day, floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly. While veneers are stain-resistant, you may want to limit coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco to keep your veneers looking their best. With proper care, your veneers can last for many years.

what our patients say

“I love this group of people. From the office staff to the medical staff - they are the best! Kind, gentle and up on the latest in dentistry. I highly recommend Zsambeky Chaney & Associates!”

- Ann F.

“Dentists and staff are always friendly and professional. The dental care I get here is superb. In over twenty years of being a patient, my experiences have always been great!”

- Lisa H.

“The best dental office in Concord, NC. If you plan to move here, choose this office. You won’t be disappointed. Dr. Zsambeky and his staff are the best!”

- Virginia C.

“This team keeps you laughing while they take care of your dental needs, which can sometimes be a dreaded experience. I am greeted by my first name when I enter and I don’t have to wait long in the lobby. The office staff helps me plan more complex visits in conjunction with my insurance and what is doable for me.”

- Derek F.


Your Perfect Dental Partner

Monday - Thursday: 7am-5pm
Friday: Appointment Only
